Your Roots Are Showing: An Underground Purim Botanical

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Front cover, back cover, and unused first version of front cover design for the JFREJ/Aftselakhis Spectacle Committee Purimshpil 2015 program book

Your Roots Are Showing: An Underground Purim Botanical

TONIGHT! March 7, 2015 – 8pm – East Midwood Jewish Center – 1625 Ocean Ave. – QUEER RADICAL PUNK PROM

Purimshpil 2013: Purim! Puppets! Politsey!

Purim! Puppets! Politsey!

“Purim is the Jewish festival of spring fever, of masquerade and parodies of all sacred things. It centers on the Scroll of Esther, the Megillah, a burlesque of a story that wears the mask of being a factual history. For centuries Jews have made homemade pageants like ours to tell this story and to talk about overreach—about how the powerful turn abysmally stupid and bring about their own destruction. But Purim also has a mystical side, and we learn from the Purim rabbis that this holiday is a campy stare at what scares us the most, in ourselves and in the world. It must be taken seriously. There are many paths to holy disorder, many routes to the place of perfect misunderstanding. The more we move towards what scares us, explore and embody it, the more we are entering into the practice of Purim and the more deeply we will be renewed.”